Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam preparation

Tomorrow we have our final exam which has been hard to prepare for. Last year with RHS exams we had a plethora of past papers to consult and practice with, the topics we studied matching the topics tested. Hard work and a bit of a slog but worth it.

This year our OCGD exam is a bit more of an unknown. No past papers and no more info on what will be tested than "2 hours professional practice and 1 hour of multiple choice" Not entirely sure which specific topics but I suppose one has to assume anything we have studied in the last 9 months. GULP.

My usual control freak, 'study the hell out of the topic' character has just given up and is in 'don't care' mode. No time to revise it all in detail as Project 3 and an exhibition has to be finished in about 12 day time so as it forms only 10 marks out of the 150 it can't be a priority. Shame really I like getting top marks on exams. Oh Well.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck for tomorrow and the exhibition when it comes.


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